BEST 50 Magic Podcasts (For Magicians & Magic Lovers!)
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ALSO: Magic Shows Near You

Radio shows may be mostly a thing of the past, but podcasts are certainly not! There are podcasts about almost every subject, including magic, illusion and all things prestidigitation. We've searched the internet to find the good, the bad and the ugly (but mostly the good) of all the podcasts that have to do with anything magic. Here you'll find podcasters big and small, with interviews, opinions and advice. So if you find yourself with some time on your hands, (and who doesn't nowadays), you can stay connected by catching a magic podcast.
Top Podcasts on Magic for Magicians
The Magic Business Podcast
Every episode of the Magic Business Podcast brings you insightful and delightful interviews with magical entertainers who share and reveal what they've learned from their careers, as well as their unique insights on "the business of magic". The intent of these podcasts is to share the plethora of odd, unique, and interesting niches where magicians perform.
The Magic Business Podcast can also be heard on Google and Apple.
The Magic Detective Podcast
Illusionist Dean Carnegie hosts this informative podcast weekly. His topics cover mostly the history of magic and magicians. This podcast is of special interest to Houdini fans, as there are quite a few episodes devoted to the master of escapes. Episodes range in length between 15 minutes and an hour.
Magicians Talking Magic
Magicians Talking Magic is a podcast for magicians and fans of the art of magic. Each episode is hosted by two seasoned magicians, Ryan Joyce and Graeme Reed. They cover a wide range of topics including some new stuff that focuses on magic in the age of Covid.
The Magic Newswire with Dodd Vickers
This is one of the original magic news podcasts, with episodes going back as far as 2012. Here you will find interviews with all of your favorite magicians, and maybe some you've never heard of before. Interviews with the likes of David Blaine, Mac King and Harry Anderson, are just a few examples.
Magicians podcast with Richard Young
Join Richard Young as he shares informal interviews with the biggest names in magic. His interviews are generally one to two hours long, so settle in for some in-depth chats. Check out his 100th episode with David Copperfield.
Magicians' Advice Podcast
Join UK magicians Phil Taylor and Ian Brennan as they host a podcast for magicians (or wannabe magicians). If you are wanting to improve the quality of your performance, and to get a deeper understanding of magic, then this is the place for you. You'll hear sage advice from practicing magicians and more.
Magical Thinking
Your host Elliott Terral has traveled the globe and is consumed by the art of magic. His podcast seeks to share deep and revealing conversations with magicians and magic creators about such things as inspiration, creativity and the ups and downs of the magic world. Join him as he probes the deeper recesses of the magicians mind. His interviews are on the lengthy side, some at well over 2 hours, so turn off the phone and put the kids to bed before settling in to listen.
Talking Tricks with Kane and Abel
Visit the quirky side of things with these funny and fascinating stories from those working in the magic, comedy, circus and variety industry. Kane and Abel talk to a wide range of performers including magicians, jugglers, mind-readers and more.
The Penguin Magic Podcast with Erik Tait
This weekly show brings you interviews from top names in magic and a behind the scenes look at the P3 Magic Studios. Erik Tait is both a comedian and magician and we're pretty sure you'll enjoy his upbeat podcast.
The Insider: Vanishing Inc. Magic
Shin Lim, Teller, Piff the Magic Dragon, they are all here and more, on the Insider with Vanishing Inc. Magic where you will find interviews with the finest magicians in the world. These interviews won't require a huge investment of time at about half an hour each.
The Magic Word
Join magician Scott Wells as he pumps out episodes of this show on a more than regular basis. On it, you’ll hear magicians talking about their craft, their experiences, and news on the magic scene today. Yes there are plenty of interviews, but also Scott spends time at magic conventions, the Magic Castle and other magic events where he brings to you the latest news from all things magic.
ALL Podcasts on Magic for Magicians
Shezam! - with host Kayla Drescher
The Piff Pod - with the Piff Pod Dragon Squad
The Business of Magic - with hosts Ken Kelly and Julian Mather
The M-Word - with host Ben Earl
Deception - Podcast for Magicians - with host Kayla Drescher
Mark Leveridge podcasts - with host Mark Leveridge
Deckin’ Around - with hosts Tyler and Steve
Two Magicians. One Mic. - with host Nick Paul
The Gingerosity Podcast - with host Daniel GreenWolf
Ellusionist-Magic Beyond Belief Podcast - with host Luke Dancy
Meals With Magicians - with host Scott Wells
The Magician Experience - with host Stephen Williams Jr.
Backstage S.A.M. Podcast - hosted by The Society of American Magicians
Roundtable Discussions - hosted by theory11
Discourse in Magic - with hosts Jonah Babins and Tyler Williams
Magic From Wherever I’m At - with host Dartagnan
Magic Talk with James Lantiegne - hosted by James Lantiegne
Illusionary Podcast - with host Kray Mitchell
The Mystery Behind Magic - with host Csanad Kiss
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Kick back in your favorite lounge chair with your favorite beverage, and enjoy a relaxing time while catching up on the magic scene, via the magic of podcasts.