Sharing Magic Around the World

Magic Shows Near You
Looking for a magic show near you? Going on a vacation and looking for a special night out? These are the magic shows now running in cities around the world. Enjoy the magic and catch one of these fascinating shows....
- Boston, Massachusetts Magic Shows
- Branson, Missouri Magic Shows
- Chicago, Illinois Magic Shows
- Dallas, Texas Magic Shows
- Hawaii Magic Shows
- Houston, Texas Magic Shows
- Las Vegas, Nevada Magic Shows
- London, England Magic Shows
- Los Angeles, California Magic Shows
- Maui, Hawaii Magic Shows
- New York City Magic Shows
- Waikiki and Oahu Magic Shows
- Orlando, Florida Magic Shows
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Magic Shows
- Phoenix, Arizona Magic Shows
- Pigeon Forge, Tennessee Magic Shows
- San Diego, California Magic Shows
- San Francisco, California Magic Shows
- Sydney, Australia Magic Shows
- Toronto, Canada Magic Shows
- Washington, D.C. Magic Shows
Great Magicians and Fascinating Magic History
Some people believe a tiny hidden hair or little spring are the secrets of magic but it's much more complicated than that. The real secrets of magic are the people behind the curtains, the years of practice and experimentation, and the lessons shared from performer to performer throughout the generations. Here are our articles demonstrating these magical secrets throughout history and action....
- Best Card Magicians
- Best Card Tricks
- Easy Card Tricks to Learn
- Best Magic Tricks
- Best Magic TV Shows
- Best Magic Movies
- Best Magicians
- Famous Magicians
- Podcasts on Magic for Magicians
- Best Close-Up Magicians
- Best Coin Tricks
- Richest Magicians
- David Blaine's Net Worth
- Worst Magic Accidents
- Houdini's Best Magic Tricks
- What Famous Magician Died on Halloween?
- How Did Houdini Die?
- Derren Brown's Best Magic Tricks
- David Copperfield's Best Magic Tricks
The Magic Director
Dr. Will Given shares his thoughts, theory, and musings about improving your magic with his experience and knowledge of the Theater....
- Why You NEED a Magic Director
- Understanding Magic Audiences
- When Good Shows Go Bad
- Story Structure in Magic 101
- Story Structure in Magic 102
World's Best Magic Shows
Like all artforms, magic is expressed differently based on the culture and there are shows around the world that are charming and beautiful. Here is our list of the best Magic shows around the world...
- Best American Magic Shows
- Best Scandinavian Magic Shows
- Best French Magic Shows
- Best German Magic Shows
- Best Spanish Magic Shows
- Best Argentinian Magic Shows
Best Magic Shows in America
These are the magic gems from all corners of the United States, from the intimate to the grand, the traditional to the edgy. Arranged in alphabetical order by state, over five pages, from Arizona to Wisconsin, we share with you the best Magic Shows in the United States....
- Best Magic Shows Arizona, California
- Best Magic Shows Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri
- Best Magic Shows Las Vegas, Nevada
- Best Magic Shows New York City
- Best Magic Shows Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin
The Magic Business Podcast
The Magic Business Podcast shares valuable tips to working entertainers and educates the next generation of performers by sharing stories of those who have succeeded. These are not long-winded tomes of blah blah blah but rather concise, insightful and delightful wisdom about the business of making magic. We interview the world's most accomplished and creative magicians, all who have achieved extraordinary expertise.
The goal of the Magic Business Podcast is to present real-life experiences and some of the most guarded secrets to help you further your career in the magical arts.
The Magic Business Podcast can also be heard on Apple, Google, and all major platforms.
Max Maven - The 7 Deadly Sins of Performers
In this exclusive episode, Magic Oracle listeners are privy to the very FIRST revelation of Max Maven's "7 Deadly Sins". This valuable information for Mentalists and Magicians can be tweaked for nearly any type of performance artist.
Bob Fitch - 5 Things to (Immediately) Improve Your Show
FIVE well-tested techniques are explained to remove stage fright, connect to an audience, add clarity to increase magic moments, enhance first impressions, and remove useless cliches.
The Evasons - Secrets of Performing Internationally
Performing in over 35 countries with multiple passports, the Evasons share their international travel tips to ease the complexities of border crossings, work visas, vaccinations, respecting local customs, medications, and more.
Gaetan Bloom - Working at The Most Famous Nightclub in the World
Gaetan shares his secrets performing over 6,000 shows at the Famous Crazy Horse in Paris, working with an international audience, how the owner designed the show, method to stand out on stage, and learning from the greats.
Kevin Heller - How to Conquer the Fair & Festival Market
Kevin Heller explqins the secrets of the Summer Fairs and Festivals Market including how you get hired, your #1 step, how much you can charge, marketing to this audience, and navigating the minefield.
The Wilcox - The Real Price of an Illusion Show
Rick and Susan discuss how to buy illusions, how to change corporate events, backstage assistants, the reason to compose custom music, when to hire lighting designers, rehearsing, and the importance of apprenticing.
Trent James - Go For It While You're Young
Trent details his path of starting with an act, performing anywhere, any time, for any pay, finding a mentor, working with agents, the business side of entertainment, and being ready.
Michael Close - Performing on Penn & Teller's "Fool Us"
As the magic consultant, Michael shares what it takes to perform on FOOL US: should you design a fooler, are card tricks good, who doesn't go live, massive stage logistics, how to be filmed, hiring a consultant, and improving your script.
Harrison Greenbaum - How to Unleash Your Magic Superpowers
Harrison is here to tell you what you might be doing wrong and how to fix it and recommends only performing your own material (yes, it'll hurt!), developing tricks the right way, the higher plains of reactions, developing your POV, and oh yeah, DON'T do other magician's material!
Kevin James - Inner-Workings of a Creative Mind
Where do the ideas for the world's biggest illusions percolate? Kevin discusses his perspective "seeing", handling negative thinking, the importance of a notebook, plays a mind game, and a hamster suit?
Mario Marchese - POW! The Perfect Power of Props
Mario "The Maker Magician" Marchese shares his enthusiasm for the power of props, where innovation arises, knowing what's important, handling technical failures, and transforming props you already own.
Steve Daly - It's Vegas, Baby... Here I Come!
Steve shares his perspective of when one should move to Las Vegas, range of pay, investment to open your show, paths of "making it", when television helps, and the importance of "paying your dues".
Michael Trixx - Practical Hacks for Outdoor Chaos
Michael Trixx shares the complications and intricacies of working outdoors including with fire, safeguarding items on your tables, what stands to use, working with live doves, and more!
Kayla Drescher - The "Glamorous" Life of a Touring Magician
Criss-crossing the globe with a large illusion show, close-up artist Kayla Drescher shares how to play big and connect with theater crowds, collaborating with a team, and what you learn after 250 nights a year on the road!
Kozmo - Making it Big on the Streets
From how much you can make to improving your magic, Kozmo shares what it's like to love what you do and make great money doing it.
Christopher Carter - Nailing Virtual Performances
Sharing technical aspects of virtual performances including products, prices, and strategy to keep you miles ahead of your competition.
Keith Fields - Starting Over... in a New Country!
British magician, Keith Fields, shares his strategy on rebuilding a successful career after the life-changing decision of moving his family to Detroit, Michigan. (What was he thinking!?!?)
Robin Lang - Get Off the Sidelines and Hire a Magic Coach
Robin shares the benefits of hiring a coach, the process of assessing your level, asking the right questions, the backwards business model, the three shows you must have, how to find a coach, and what you are missing.
Benjamin Barnes - Lessons from an Entertainment Director
After hiring hundreds of performers, Benjamin Barnes shares his perspective of what audiences want, what magicians should offer, the importance of magic history, and when to use a magic venue to improve your act.
Eric Decamps - Constructing a Theater Show for the Big City
Learn how to design an emotional and impactful show that builds audience trust, connects emotionally, shares your passions and personality, and communicates with the audience honed through the experience of magician Eric Decamps.
Marc DeSouza - Getting Booked at a Magic Convention
Marc shares decades of experience hiring performers at magic conventions including understanding if the performer fits the convention, the best way to get hired, range of pay, and practical considerations.
The Alans - Making Magic with Your Spouse... OMG!!!
The Alan's share their experience living, working, and eating magic with your spouse including balancing responsibilities, keeping an office schedule, decision making disagreements, and how to leave your cushy corporate day job.
Will Given - SOS: You NEED a Magic Director!
Will Given shares details on working with a magic director including who needs one, achieving your artistic vision, how to find one, and making sure the director is engaged with your work.
Erik Tait - Selling Your Magic Invention
Penguin Magic Producer Erik Tait explains the options of submitting a magic trick for production and the process of acceptance, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution.
Harrison Lampert - Make Yourself a "Commercial" Success
Harrison Lampert shares the ins and outs of commercial acting including agents, submissions, reels, pay, auditions, and being honest.
Mike Seege - Reservations? How to Ace Restaurant Magic
Mike Seege shares the inner secrets of restaurant magic including the range of pay, leveraging contacts, approaching a table, getting the servers on your side, and what really matters to the guests and owners.
Harrison Carrol - Secrets from a Trade Show Master
Harrison Carrol, the inventor of the term "trade show magician", shares trade show pay negotiation strategies, the responsibilities of the performer, where to start in the business, and what you're really selling to your client.
Neil Tobin - Capturing a Bigger Audience
Learn how Neil Tobin creates theater shows that garner much greater marketing visibility by positioning the shows NOT as magic shows and thereby building larger audiences and a more exciting theatrical foundation.
Suzanne - The Main Course of Restaurant Performing
Penn & Teller "Fool Us" and Magic Castle Close-up Magician of the Year, Suzanne shares 35 years of invaluable restaurant experience with the details and importance of working regularly in front of a live audience.
Bryce Kuhlman - Turbocharge Your Website
Bryce explains strategies on how to pinpoint your potential client so you can narrowly focus your website on answering all their questions (and fears) so only excited and qualified leads call you.
David Corsaro - 21 Rapid-Fire Marketing Ideas
Learn how to build your business by increasing your visibility to clients and decision makers, how to build repeat business, where to find new business, and expand your network of opportunities with 21 ideas from marketing executive David Corsaro.
Jason Michaels - How To Get Hired at a Magic Venue
Insider advice on how to get hired and perform year after year at famous magic venues such as the Magic Castle in Hollywood, the House of Cards in Tennessee, and the Magic Lounge in Chicago with entertainment director and booking agent Jason Michaels.
Magic Oracle Site Information
Pulling back the curtains to reveal what's behind the wheels and gears of this website ....
Are there any magic topics you would like to know more about? Are you a magic expert and would like to write a story on a magic-related topic? Email us!
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