What are the BEST Magic Shows (in Dallas) for 2025?

Dallas Texas is a city with a colorful political past and bustling art-scene present, with magic acts that include Wine and Magic, Comedy and Magic Show for All Ages, and Confetti Eddie's Magic Parlour.
It is located in an area once governed by Spain, then by Mexico, followed by the Texians, and then finally in 1845 it became a part of the United States. It is now a major player in the world of business, with more than a handful of billionaires calling Dallas their home. Yesiree it is a bustling city and with its prosperity has come a vibrant arts scene, and one of the nations largest arts districts, located in downtown Dallas. But what about magic you ask? You'll find that Dallas has a variety of regular shows along with the latest shows on tour. So whether you like your magic small and intimate or big and flashy, you'll find just enough of both in Dallas, Texas.
ALL Dallas Magic Shows TODAY
Champions of Magic
Winspear Opera House
2403 Flora Street
Dallas, TX 75201Some of the world's finest magicians have come together for a funtastic, spectoramic, super magical show. Forget Mary Poppins... this is eye-popping stuff and tons of fun for the whole family. The magic spectacle has toured the world and will be doing several US dates. You will see levitation, disappearances, mind-reading and more. Each of the acts brings their own unique style and skills to the experience, with plenty of grand illusions and special effects.
Magic in the Living Room
The Line Bar & Grill
940 E Belt Line Rd
Richardson, TX 75081Dal Sanders and the Dallas Magic Club present this eclectic and oh so fun evening once a month. Touted as a night-club party experience, with your first drink included in the ticket price, you will be sure to have an adult evening out with friends or family. With close-up magic, guest magicians, new faces in magic, and surprise variety performers, there is always something new at Magic in the Living Room. Your host Dal Sanders delights with his "Pure Magic" centerpiece, and then welcomes to the stage his guests, all the while being accompanied by the sounds of Brad Kozak on piano. Come for food, drink and tons of fun!
Food and Drink: Food and full bar available.
Age Restriction: 21+
Showtime Saturdays at Galleria Dallas
Galleria Dallas
13350 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75240Hey Kids, it’s showtime! Join Galleria Dallas every Saturday for Showtime Saturday, the popular and fantastical kids show. The show features a variety of captivating acts by professional circus clowns, magicians and kid-friendly comedians. Children and families are welcome to enjoy this free, in-person entertainment series.
Age Restriction: All ages
Family Magic and Comedy for All Ages
Addison Improv Comedy Club
4980 Belt Line Rd #250
Dallas, TX 75254If you are looking for something you can take all the kids to from kindergarten to high school, then this is a good pick. The show is a bit of comedy and a bit of magic and a place to have lunch while your are enjoying it all. In fact, there is a two menu item minimum for each person at the show on top of ticket prices, so be sure to come hungry or thirsty, and expect for the tip to be added to your check automatically. Kids are sometimes brought on stage to help with the magic and the whole family will have a fun time together at this Saturday afternoon matinee show.
Food and Drink: Two menu item purchase required.
Age Restriction: All Ages Show
Parking: Complimentary parking is located around the venue and throughout the Quorum 2 plaza.
Family Comedy Magic Show
The Comedy Arena
305 E. Virginia St. #104
McKinney, TX 75069Do You Believe In Magic? You are certain to become a believer while watching some of the greatest magicians in North Texas perform Comedy and Magic for All Ages. Each week, this show will feature one of North Texas' favorite family magicians including Dal Sanders, Ian Richards, Aaron Stone, Josh Ayala, Eric Hogue, The Great Grandpadini and MORE! As with most comedy clubs, there is a two item purchase minimum of food or drink, per person.
Show Duration: 1 hour
Food and Drink: Food and drink available
Age Restriction: All ages
Dallas Texas Magic History

Dallas Texas is big, bold and diverse. A thriving city of many cultures, religions, and interests. First there were railroads which encouraged growth and commerce, with cotton, cattle and oil all becoming big industry and helping Dallas to grow. But before Texas was as a state, it was big, wild and a republic. Thousands of immigrants came to Texas looking for work with those very same railroads, as well as on cotton farms and ranches. Many of those immigrants were Chinese, and they brought with them a product which became the money making ploy of many a medicine show entrepreneur.
I'm talking about snake oil. Snake oil from China actually does have some medicinal properties, being made from a Chinese snake with unusually high levels of omega 3 in its fat. But a clever Texan named Clark Stanley came up with a product he claimed he got from the Hopis, that was of course pure hogwash and contained no snake oil at all. He hawked his "snake oil" product in his traveling medicine show. He claimed it would cure man or beast of almost everything including frostbite, sore throat, bruises and more, with instant relief. Now that would be magic! Snake oil was just one concoction of course that was the moneymaker at a traveling medicine show. Many of the tonics claimed to be miracle cures. The medicine shows themselves were usually run by a con man claiming to be a doctor. The shows were part entertainment and part commercial sales pitch. The idea was to grab people's attention with an entertaining show, and then pitch them on a miracle product that they just had to have. Many of the shows included magic as part of the entertainment or even part of the sales pitch. Of course, the products were mostly inert ingredients or contained alcohol or cocaine in order to create a fake medicinal effect. Many magicians traveled with medicine shows because it was steady work, and many medicine shows were found going town to town in Texas. In fact, the famous blues musician T-Bone Walker was said to have joined a medicine show when "Doc" Breeding came through his Dallas neighborhood selling Big B Tonic.
Right around the time that people started to realize that medicine shows contained more con that cure, magic started to become more popular as a form of entertainment. This was due in large part to one man... Harry Houdini. Houdini seldom toured Texas due to his contract to tour on the Orpheum vaudeville circuit, which had no theatres in Texas. However in 1916 he was hired to tour the Majestic theatre circuit in Texas, and so it was on January 18th in Dallas, he performed a straight jacket escape suspended from the Dallas Morning News building. Houdini did another tour of Texas in 1923 and then returned once more to Dallas in 1924, where he gave a lecture at the famous State Fair. It was during this last visit that he personally signed in the Dallas chapter of the Society of American Magicians. He was at that time the acting president of SAM, and the group was ecstatic to meet with him. The group each performed a trick for the famous magician, and Houdini performed one for them in which he was able to tell them the time set randomly on a pocket watch, after holding the closed watch up to his forehead.
Fast forward to 1955 in Dallas where a local magician named Mark Wilson started a weekly television show called Time for Magic. He had been honing his magic skills while working at the Douglas Magicland shop in Dallas. His show was popular and in 1960 with the advent of videotaping it became a syndicated show called The Magic Land of Allakazam. The show was in black and white and included Mark, his wife Nani Darnell, his son, and Bev Bergeron who played Rebo the Clown. The show was a huge success, playing Saturday mornings on televisions around the country. Mark's vision of magic for television included having a live audience, and long shots that didn't cut from one view to another during a trick. This allowed the at-home audience to feel as if they were also in the live audience. It gave the tricks more authenticity.
But what about the traveling show and the magicians who weren't so much in the limelight. The age-old tradition of reaching the masses by traveling town-to-town, just as the medicine shows had, was not completely dead. One magician, in fact, was well-known and well-loved throughout Texas and Louisiana. He called himself Willard the Wizard but his real name was Harry Willard. He came from a family of magicians all calling themselves Willard the Wizard, including his father and several brothers. And although he never made it into the history books like Houdini he was purported to be one of the best magicians ever, at least among the folks that saw him. At the peak of their performances the show traveled with 17 trucks, setting up its own theatre in each town they visited. Unlike the medicine shows though, they sold nothing but tickets to the show and since their reputation preceded them everywhere they went, they had no trouble selling out their performances. In 1964 the local Dallas IBM ring voted to name their club after Willard the Wizard, and the man himself came and gave one of his last 2 hours shows at the charter celebration. One IBM member who was there stated, "Those who saw the Willard Show will never forget it."
Magic continues to be woven into the fabric of life in the city of Dallas. Traveling illusion shows come and go, selling brochures and t-shirts just as plentiful as snake oil and miracle liniments. Local magicians continue to thrill audiences with regular shows and who knows, maybe some young member of a Dallas magic club will grow up to become the next great magician of his time.
PAST Dallas Texas Magic Shows
Rob Lake
Margot and Bill Winspear Opera House
2403 Flora Street
Dallas, TX 75201Seen in Times Square and on the Vegas Strip, Rob Lake has done it all. His grand illusions have been seen on network television, and he has been named "The World's Greatest Illusionist" by NBC. Come see Rob as he spins storys around his mesmerizing feats of magic. A spectacular show for young and old alike.
Penn and Teller
Music Hall at Fair Park
909 1st Ave
Dallas, TX 75210The "bad boys of magic" have been wowing audiences in Las Vegas for over 20 years. Why bad boys you say? Well, they have the bad habit of revealing how it's done! But it never seems to take away from the amazing wow factor of what they do! Their act is surprising, clownish, and well... unconventional. They have been making headlines for years with their many TV shows, Broadway performances, and sold out runs. The chemistry between this duo is magical and P&T tricks are some of the best in the business. They love to meet their fans, so don't miss the "meet and greet" after the show.
The Illusionists Magic of the Holidays
The Majestic Theatre
1925 Elm St
Dallas, TX 75201Celebrate the holidays with the entire family at The Illusionists Magic of the Holidays, a mind-blowing showcase featuring jaw-dropping talents of the most incredible illusionists on earth. The Illusionists has shattered box office records across the globe and dazzles audiences of all ages with a powerful mix of the most outrageous and astonishing acts ever seen on stage. This non-stop show is packed with thrilling and sophisticated magic of unprecedented proportions.
Justin Willman
Majestic Theatre
1925 Elm St
Dallas, TX 75201Justin Willman is on the road with his Magic For Humans In Person tour, a show with oodles of incredible magic, illusion, and laughs. What is special about Justin? Well, for one thing, his quirky sense of humor. You might have seen him on his latest Netflix specials, Magic for Humans where he levitates while doing goat yoga, (yes I said goat), and does some very funny stuff with kids and marshmallows. Beloved by TV hosts such as Ellen and presidents such as Barack Obama, Justin has made a mark with his sometimes silly, but always fabulous illusions.
CJ Johnson Magic Show
Uptown Theatre
120 E Main St
Grand Prairie, TX 75050C.J. Johnson is a multi-award winning entertainer. His magic show has been featured on stages throughout the world, with a focus on his home State of Texas where he’s made over 1200 appearances at public/ticketed events over the course of his career. His style of magic is engaging, fun-filled and most of all funny and entertaining. The focus is always on having fun WITH his audiences – and hence the audiences leave having had a great time!
Wine and Magic
Checkered Past Winery
1925 Elm St
Dallas, TX 75201Trigg Watson is a magician for the modern age who makes everyone feel like he's your best friend. His easy manner and modern twist on old tricks mean a good time is had by all. Triggs show at the Checkered Past Winery is clean and yes, you can bring those hard to please teens. Then order yourself a glass of wine, and maybe a pizza or dessert (not included in show price), and sit back to enjoy this very affordable show. A great weekend night out, but plan in advance since the Wine and Magic show only happens one weekend a month. Triggs award-winning magic and upbeat style will have everyone glad they came.
Michael Carbonaro
Majestic Theatre
1925 Elm St
Dallas, TX 75201Michael is probably best known for his television show The Carbonaro Effect. He is a prankster at heart, and on his show, he would pose as a regular joe who then pulls magic tricks out of his hat (so to speak) to freak out the unsuspecting public. His sometimes ridiculous explanations for what was going on, (never letting on that it was magic), made the situation even funnier. In his live show, Michael brings all his wit and quirky humor to the stage, with sleight of hand, performance art and bizarre antics that will surely make for an evening of upbeat fun.
A Jolly Genie?

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